
Lechon Kawali Recipe

Lechon Kawali Recipe
Serves 4
2 pounds Pork Belly, whole slab
6-8 cups Water
2 medium onions, cubed
3 tablespoons Salt
1 teaspoon Peppercorns
Cooking oil for frying
For seasoning the meat before deep-frying:
1 tablespoon Salt
1/2 tablespoon Ground White Pepper
1. In a large pot over medium high heat, boil the pork belly with the water. Spoon out the grayish meat protein that floats on the water and discard. Turn the heat down, add the onions, salt and peppercorns and simmer for 20-25 minutes or until the pork is tender.

2. Scoop out the pork and pat it dry with paper towel before deep-frying. (Or you can wrap it and freeze for frying at a later time). Heat up the oil on your deep-fryer. The temperature setting should be 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Deep-fry for 15-20 minutes or until the skin is nice and crisp. Serve with rice and Lechon Sauce.
Serve and enjoy this delicious Authentic Filipino Food RecipeLechon Kawali

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