
Mentaiko Spaghetti Recipe

Mentaiko Spaghetti Recipe
4 servings
Time: 20 minutes

-1 lb pasta
-4 pieces green perilla (chopped)
-2 mentaiko 
-1/2 onion (sliced)
-50g butter

  1. Boil pasta until cooked
  2. Peel the mentaiko out of the skin
  3. Microwave butter 15 seconds in a bowl then add mentaiko and stir
  4. Fry the onion for 6 minutes
  5. Add pasta mixed with onion then add mentaiko with butter
  6. Turn off the stove and stir well then add perilla 
Serve and enjoy this delicious Authentic Japanese Food Recipe – Mentaiko Spaghetti

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