
Hot and Sour Soup Recipe

Hot and Sour Soup Recipe
4 servings

•    4 cups chicken broth
•    3 tablespoon soy sauce
•    1 tablespoon sesame oil
•    2 tablespoon lemon juice
•    4 dried Chinese mushrooms (wash with water then cut into thin strips)
•    1/2 cup bamboo shoot cut into thin strips
•    1/4 lb lean pork cut into thin strips
•    1 small tofu dice into cubes
•    1/4 teaspoon white pepper (or black pepper)
•    2 tablespoon cornstarch (mix with about 4 tablespoon of cold water)
•    1 egg (stirred)
•    Finely chopped green onions for garnish

1.    In a pan boil the chicken broth then add soy sauce, mushrooms,
       bamboo shoots and pork for 5 minutes.
2.    Then add bean curd, pepper, lemon juice and then add the cornstarch and
       mix thoroughly for another 5 minutes then slowly add the egg while stirring.

Serve and enjoy this Authentic Chinese Food Recipe – Hot and Sour Soup

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